Dhiraj Kulkarni, born in Latur - India, is known for his free way of thoughts between family and friends since a young age. In his late teenage years following the inner quest for Truth and the very meaning of life he traveled through India. Observing, learning, experimenting and exploring for nearly two decades he has lived through many different schools of thoughts of spirituality. Osho, J Krishnamurti, Vippassana, Art of living, Shaktipat Mahayog, Warkari sect, Ramdasi sect are some to name. Approaching both traditional and non traditional, ancient and mordern ways with a open mind he has grown through them.
Wandering and living in the valley of the Ganges and its tributaries since a decade, he mostly spent his time meditating, traveling in the mountains and having dialogue with seekers and sadhus in the Himalayas getting an insight in to different ways of self inquiry. He prefers to call himself a ''Heart Follower", as he feels that is the one real source from where the ultimate guidance actually comes. In his endeavor he has spent long silent periods living in remote places working on himself. These silent secluded stay out from the daily social life had helped him immensely in rising in awareness leading him towards a more silent and peaceful state of living. Today at a point feeling not much difference between a social and secluded life he has become open to share his insight and vision with those interested. He is presently living in Rishikesh, India.