Living Masters

"Since time immemorial to this day we see spiritual teachers and masters speaking seemingly very different ways to attain the truth and peace within. Totally different teachings have worked well with different people, with all his efforts man has not yet succeeded in finding a one word for whole humanity, may be it is not meant to be so. It would be wise of a seeker to see what works for him towards his inner peace giving others the freedom to do the same. 

Truth is that which works''. ~ DK

Of the many more known and unknown sources of wisdom here is a list in alphabetical order of few living spiritual Teachers, Guides and Gurus today. Seekers may take a look in to their teachings and see where they feel connected and who speaks to their heart the most.

Readers may send in their recommendations for the list with specific links about the person. 

 Abharam Hicks

Acharya Prashant


Amoda maa jeevan

Amritanandamai maa


Bentinho Massaro

Byron Katie

Dalai Lama

Deepak chopra

Eckhart tolle


Ganga Mira

Madhavtirthji Maharaj

Mingyur Rinpoche

Miranda Mecpherson



Pamela wilson



Purnanand Bharti

Radhanathnath swami

Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev

Sandeep Maheshwari

Shri Karunamayi

Shri M

Sri Sri Ravishankar


Vasant Swaha


Wayen Wirs